A Spa of One’s Own

Hotels Magazine Hotels are bringing the spa and wellness experience into the privacy of the guest bathrooms. “We’ve had the mattress wars and the pillow wars,” says Don Genders, CEO of Design for Leisure, a company that builds spa and wellness facilities around the world. “Once they’ve given you a good night’s sleep, hotels are … Read more

The Art of Travel

This month Susi explores the world of travel — on our planet and beyond — through the eyes of an artist, a documentary filmmaker and a teacher. PATRICE SAMARA Patrice Samara is president of Triumph Communications Group, Inc., a Strategic Consulting, Communications, Global Events, Media Production, Publishing & Market Representation organization and COO of Wordeee, … Read more

License to Mill

Hotel F&B. Chef Adam Leonti’s freshly milled flour for bread and pasta will put Harvey restaurant in the new Williamsburg Hotel in Brooklyn on the map.