Tennis As a Passport To Cuba

Havana, cuba

I have long wanted to visit Cuba, but that became somewhat more difficult after the Trump administration tightened the restrictions on travelers from the U.S. Nevertheless, it remains possible to do so provided your travel meets one of a dozen categories, among them “support for the Cuban people.” As a journalist who covers tennis vacations–and an … Read more

Top Holiday Lights Displays and Celebrations Across America

Desert Botanical Garden Holidays

We love the holiday season, when cheery lights, Christmas decorations, menorahs, colorfully wrapped presents and the most imaginative retail displays illuminate downtowns around the world. Our gift to you is this roundup of the top holiday displays across America so you can plan a day out or a fun weekend, away from the stress. Share your … Read more

Russian Tea at the Heathman Hotel

Instead of a traditional English tea, the Heathman Hotel in Portland offers a Russian tea. The spectacular service complete with samovars was dreamed up by chef Vitaly Paley to celebrate his heritage.